How to Make a Macrame Shelf

 Macrame Shelf Arts and Crafts Project


Are you ready to take your arts and crafts skills to the next level? Macrame is a fun and easy way to add beautiful, handmade décor to your home. In this post, we’ll walk you through the steps you need to make your very own Macrame shelf for a unique DIY project. From materials and design to the final product, you’ll find everything you need to get started right here.


1) Gather Your Materials 

To make your macrame shelf, you’ll need some basic supplies. For starters, you’ll need cotton yarn or twine to form the knots. You’ll also need a dowel rod or wooden branch for the shelf’s structure. For more complex designs, it’s best to use a jute or hemp cord for the macrame. Finally, you’ll need scissors to cut the yarn and other materials. Different shelves may require different items, but these essentials should be enough to get you started.

2) Choose a Design 

Macrame shelves are a great way to add a touch of boho chic to any room. There are so many different designs to choose from – here are three of the most popular designs. The first is a macrame triangle shelf – it’s an effortlessly stylish way to display books, small plants, and other decorative pieces. Another popular design is a macrame ladder shelf – perfect for showing off your favorite vintage knick-knacks. Lastly, there is the macrame wall hanging shelf – it’s a whimsical way to keep your everyday items close at hand. Each of these macrame shelf designs have their own unique character, and they can be easily customized to fit the look and feel of any space.

3) Create the Macrame Shelf 

One of the most popular types of macrame shelves is a square knot shelf. To make a square knot shelf, start by cutting four pieces of cotton cord to the same length. Take two of the pieces and tie a square knot around the remaining two pieces, forming a loop. Once the knot is tied, bring the two remaining pieces of the cord through the loop and pull tight. This is the center of the shelf. From there, you can add more square knots around the center loop to form the shelf frame. Be sure to leave enough cord left for the hanging loops to hang the shelf. Now you can add smaller square knots for decoration or incorporate other knots if you’d like. Once the shelf frame is completed, add dowels or rings and hang the shelf on the wall to admire your work!

4) Assemble the Shelf 

 Once the shelf frame is completed, add dowels or rings and hang the shelf on the wall to admire your work!

5) Final Touches 

The beauty of macrame shelves lies in the little details. With a few simple beads or rings, you can create a completely unique piece that will surely turn heads. Beads can be made out of glass, wood, metal or even plastic, depending on the appearance and feel you are trying to achieve. Rings come in a range of materials like gold, silver, copper and aluminum, and can be mixed and matched to create an eye-catching look. With a few simple embellishments, you can create a one-of-a-kind, personalized shelf that adds unique style to your home.


Making a Macrame shelf is an easy and satisfying project that adds a unique, handmade touch to your home. With this post as your guide, you can start creating beautiful shelf décor in no time. Get creative with the designs and colors and enjoy the sense of accomplishment when you finish your shelf. 

Call to Action:

Now that you’ve got the know-how to make your very own Macrame shelf, get out your supplies and get started! Show us the final product of your Macrame project by leaving a comment below or tagging us in a picture on Instagram! 

Or be lazy like me, and buy one. And yes, I will receive a 2% commission, you know full disclosure and all.

How to Make a Macrame Shelf

 Macrame Shelf Arts and Crafts Project Introduction: Are you ready to take your arts and crafts skills to the next level? Macrame is a fun a...